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RTR® Fig Oil

Figs are one of the fruits mentioned by Allah SWT in the Qur’an, namely surah At-Tiin because they contain many benefits and virtues. Figs contain  vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron. In addition, figs are also very low in calories, high in fiber, and do not contain fat, so they are good for maintaining weight.

fig watercolor
oil drop

Better Sleep

Contains trytophan which helps promote better/restful sleep

Vitamin E

Contains Vitamin E which is the best antioxidant agent



Alternative treatment for digestive problems such as constipation


High levels of antioxidants play an important role in helping to maintain health


Anti-Muscle Spasms (Stomach)

Helps reduce cramping in the stomach and provides calmness/relaxation to cramping muscles.


Has anti-cancer properties

Fig Oil

Blood Pressure

Helps reduce and control body blood pressure

Reduces the problem of anemia

The content of iron and vitamin c helps to increase the level of hemoglobin and increase the storage of iron in the human body to reduce the problem of anemia

Fig Oil

Figs are one of the fruits mentioned by Allah SWT in the Qur’an, namely surah At-Tiin because they contain many benefits and virtues. Figs contain vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron. In addition, figs are also very low in calories, high in fiber, and do not contain fat, so they are good for maintaining weight


1) The content of iron and vitamin c helps to increase the level of hemoglobin and increase the storage of iron in the human body to reduce the problem of anemia

2) Contains Vitamin E which is the best antioxidant agent

3) Alternative treatment to help digestive problems such as constipation

4) High levels of antioxidants play an important role in helping to maintain health

5) Contains trytophan which helps promote better sleep

6) Has anti-cancer properties

7) Helps to reduce and control the body’s blood pressure

8) helps reduce cramps in the stomach and provides calmness/relaxation to the muscles experiencing cramps

Method of use

Recommended 2 softgels once a day after meals.


This product is a food supplement. The body’s response to dietary supplements is varied and varies from person to person. It depends on the way of use, lifestyle, health history and so on.