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RTR® Qust Al-Hindi

Qusthul Hindi or Indian Costus is the black stem of the Costus plant in India. Qusthul Hindi is believed for medicinal purposes since 2500 years ago. Qust Al Hindi or better known as Indian wood may not be unfamiliar in sunnah nutrition. Because this is related to one of the treatments of the Prophet SAW.
The parts of the tree that are commonly used as medicine are the white or black roots. Qust al hindi has a bluish purple or almost black root and has a bitter taste and smell like a mixture of musk and orris flowers.

oil drop


Helps reduce stomach cramps and constipation problems


Weight Loss

Helps weight loss

Bone Health

Helps protect Osteoblast cells for better bone health


Respiratory System

Helps reduce problems in the respiratory system, especially allergies such as asthma

Body Defense System (immune)

Helps strengthen the body's immune system


Sperm Quantity

Helps increase sperm count


Recommended 2 softgels once a day after meals.


This product is a food supplement. The body’s response to dietary supplements is varied and varies from person to person. It depends on the way of use, lifestyle, health history and so on.