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RTR® Black Seed Oil With Pomegranate Oil 30pcs

Method of use:

  • Recommended 2 softgels once a day after meals.


  • This product is a food supplement. The body’s response to dietary supplements is varied and varies from person to person. It depends on the way of use, lifestyle, health history and so on.

Habbatus Sawda With Pomegranate Oil

Habbatus Sauda with Pomegranate Oil is a blend of oils from both pomegranate and black hemp.
Both are antioxidants where they can help treat cardiovascular disease by reducing the amount
of cholesterol, especially bad cholesterol LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and triglycerides
(a type of fat in the blood)

Benefit :

1. Anti-Histamine – The anti-histamine properties in black pepper help with respiratory system problems such as asthma

2. Nervous System – Helps provide a protective effect to the problem of nervous disorders

3. Diabetes – Anti-inflammatory effects help reduce insulin resistance and increase serum insulin in diabetic patients

4. Anti-cancer – Helps prevent and treat various types of cancer

5. Digestion – Has a positive effect on various disorders of the digestive tract and helps in the protection of the digestive tract


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